[openlp-dev] IRC Cloaks

Raoul Snyman raoul at snyman.info
Fri Sep 16 07:23:54 EDT 2016

Hey folks,

So, now that OpenLP is a registered project on Freenode, we get to have 
our own fancy cloaks. Tim, Tomas and I have already set up our cloaks.

If you run "/whois superfly" you should see something like this:

[Whois] superfly is superfly!superfly at openlp/developer/superfly (Raoul 
[Whois] superfly is using a secure connection

Likewise, with Tim:

[Whois] TRB143 is TRB143!trb143 at openlp/developer/trb143 (Tim Bentley)
[Whois] TRB143 is using a secure connection

And Tomas:

[Whois] tgc is tgc!tgc at openlp.io (tgc)
[Whois] tgc is using a secure connection

We currently have two cloaks available:

  - openlp/developer/<username>
  - openlp/community/<username>

If you would like a cloak, please send one of us a PM in IRC or an 
e-mail, and we will discuss your eligibility for a cloak. Things like 
how active you are in IRC and what you've done for the project will go 
towards determining if you are eligible for a cloak. Once we've made our 
decision, you will be notified and (if approved) your cloak will be 

Some additional notes:

1. If you feel you don't fit into either of those cloaks, you are 
welcome to make
    a suggestion for a new cloak

2. You need to be authenticated via SASL in order to receive a cloak. 
This means
    that you need to use your nick and your password as a username and 
password when
    logging onto the network. If you're unsure of what this is or how to 
set it up,
    please contact me.

Raoul Snyman
082 550 3754
raoul at snyman.info

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