[openlp-dev] Changes to Jenkins

Raoul Snyman raoul at snyman.info
Fri Dec 1 16:15:58 EST 2017

Hi everyone,

I've been making some changes to Jenkins recently in order to automate 
some more things and to have more platforms covered in terms of testing. 
Yesterday and today I hooked the Mac Mini as a Jenkins slave node[0], 
and it now runs the tests[1] and builds the DMG[2].

I've also refactored the projects for trunk[3], so that we run all the 
tests at once on Linux[4] and on macOS[5] (Windows runs on AppVeyor[6], 
which is another kettle of fish). A macOS[7] and a source build[8] are 
also run, and uploaded to get.openlp.org[9]. Our downloads page[10] on 
openlp.io now shows the most recent build in the builds directory.

I'd like to also refactor the branch projects[11], but that'll also need 
a fix for our Jenkins script (which I'm working on).

That's all for now, I'll update you once the branch changes have been 
made and committed.

[0] https://ci.openlp.io/computer/macOS/
[1] https://ci.openlp.io/view/Branch/job/Branch-07-macOS-Tests/
[2] https://ci.openlp.io/view/Releases/job/Release-Build-macOS/
[3] https://ci.openlp.io/view/Trunk/
[4] https://ci.openlp.io/view/Trunk/job/Trunk-02a-Linux-Tests/
[5] https://ci.openlp.io/view/Trunk/job/Trunk-02b-macOS-Tests/
[6] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Trunk-05-AppVeyor-Tests/
[7] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Trunk-03b-Build-macOS/
[8] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Trunk-03a-Build-Source/
[9] https://get.openlp.org/builds/
[10] https://openlp.io/downloads.html
[11] https://ci.openlp.io/view/Branch/

Raoul Snyman
+1 (520) 490-9743
raoul at snyman.info

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