[Openlp-dev] Easy Task for First Time Contributor

Daniel Borges danielborges93 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 14:44:56 EDT 2016

Hi Raoul!

To do this I need to know this specific languages or I only need to put
this files to the folders and update the cfg file?

2016-03-15 7:41 GMT-03:00 Raoul Snyman <raoul at snyman.info>:

> Hi,
> There's an easy task for someone who wants to start contributing to OpenLP
> but is scared of the code.
> We have some Arabic Bibles and songs that need to be added to the First
> Time Wizard. You will need to do the following:
> 1. Checkout the lp:openlp/ftw-data repository
> 2. Add the files to the correct directories
> 3. Update the config file with those files
> 4. Propose a merge back to lp:openlp/ftw-data
> These are the files:
> 1. Arabic Smith Van Dyke with vowels: VanDyke-With-Vowels.sqlite
> ​2. Arabic Smith Van Dyke without vowels: VanDyke-Without-Vowels.sqlite
> ​3. Ketab-EL-Hayat (second translation)​: Ketab-EL-Hayat.sqlite
> ​4. Sample songs (from KDEC House Of Prayer with permission):
> ar_songs.sqlite
>> You can download them from here:
>   https://cloud.snyman.info/index.php/s/SsMouhOSP8Byda8
> Don't be scared to ask questions!
> --
> Raoul Snyman
> e: raoul at snyman.info
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*Daniel Borges Ferreira da SilvaBacharel em Ciência da computação pela
UFALMestrando em Informática pela UFALMembro do Núcleo de Excelência em
Tecnologias Sociais - NEES*

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