[openlp-dev] Song Import Broken

Olli Suutari suutari.olli at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 11:13:30 EDT 2017

Hello Lane and thanks for reporting,

Could you possibly create a new bug report for this on Launchpad?


You could also include a debug log and tell us your Operation System.

I'm not sure of how song select works but it could also be helpful if you
could export the created song and include a link to the song.

Is it this one? https://songselect.ccli.com/Songs/629909

For further instructions, check out the Manual:

If this does not make sense, feel free to ask additional questions.


Olli Suutari / Azaziah

On 6 October 2017 at 17:54, Lane Lester <lane.lester at gmail.com> wrote:

> I downloaded Song Select 629909, which has one verse, one chorus, and one
> ending. OpenLP imported the text file as having three *Others*.
> Lane
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> Paul's letter to the Christians at Rome 12:18
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