[openlp-dev] Segfault in BibleImportForm

Raoul Snyman raoul at snyman.info
Wed Mar 22 19:44:10 EDT 2017

As a few of us are aware, OpenLP is currently segfaulting on exit. I 
recently found that the tests for the BibleImportForm weren't being run, 
and as soon as I enabled them the tests segfaulted too (meaning I 
couldn't actually run all the tests). Of course when you run the 
BibleImportForm tests by themselves there are no segfaults, how helpful.

Anyway, after some further debugging with GDB, I have narrowed it down 
to what looks like a problem with one of the QFormLayouts on the 
BibleImportForm. When the Python garbage collector cleans up the form 
and it is torn down, I think there's a dependency path that is not being 
followed correctly. My guess is that the layout is destroyed before the 
components within the layout.

Sadly my copy of GDB does not have Python support, and I don't really 
feel like compiling it at the moment, so I can't figure out *which* form 
layout is causing the ruckus.

If anyone else wants to take a look at it I've attached the full 
backtrace I get from GDB, I hope this information is useful.

Raoul Snyman
+1 (520) 490-9743
raoul at snyman.info
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